Johan Sundberg

Johan Sundberg (born in 1936, Ph.D. in musicology Uppsala University 1966, doctor honoris causae 1996 University of York, UK) had a personal chair in Music Acoustics at the department from 1979 to his retirement 2001. Since 2002 he is Visiting Professor at the University of London, UK.

He early became interested in the acoustical aspects of music, starting with a doctoral dissertation work on organ pipes. After the dissertation, singing voice and music performance have been his main research topics. He was the head of the music acoustics research group from 1970 to 2001. He has supervised or co-supervised 17 doctoral dissertations, 7 in medical faculties.

In Musikens Ljudlära Sundberg presents music acoustics in popularized form to the interested layman. The book Röstlära, 3rd edition 2001, presents an overview of research on the singing voice. As the President of the Music Acoustics Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Sundberg was editor or co-editor of twelve volumes in a series of proceedings of public seminars on music acoustic themes arranged in Stockholm since 1975.

Sundberg has also had extensive experience of performing music. For 24 years he was a member of the Stockholm Bach Choir, 9 years as its president. He has studied singing for Dagmar Gustafson and made his public debute with a Lieder recital on his 50th birthday. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, of the Swedish Acoustical Society (President 1976-81) and a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America. 

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